Hi people. WaHaha is what I've always use. This is just a piece of my mind. Some utterly absurd thoughts. So, if you don't like what you're reading, please leave. =P

Monday, December 21, 2009

Relationships = nuisances

Sometime LDR does sucks!

We'll always trying to squeeze our brain so hard so that we can celebrate some stupid events together; or else, we'll end up not celebrating it at all. wtf!

Nobody is perfect, I know. And not every relationship is flawless, and I know that too. So what, most of the time, heart supercede brain. I just can't be reasonable and understanding all the time. You have your problems and so do I. You have your needs and so do I. How to gauge whose are more important? I know there an answer to my question, that is to COMPROMISE. But hell, say is always easier than actions right?

I always hatred stupid biatches telling me how good are their relationship; how fine is their boyfriend. Ok, all the time I pretended that I was INTERESTED(or I been coerced by them), I was mumbling in my heart,

"Stop showing me your flawless relationship or boyfriend in my face, I am not interested! What you expect me to say? You want me to say that you have the most wonderful relationship and boyfriend in the universe? Fine, there you go and F**k off!"

You know, some people just don't know when to stop shutting up their chatty mouth. I'm saying this not because I'm a sensitive or a jealousy people. But hell, it is just not my job hearing and commenting about their laments so that the biacthes can reassure that they have the best relationship ever! Do you ever ask me whether I want to know all about your relationship and your-own-presumed perfect boyfriend? Stop telling me except I've ask for it. If not, keep it to yourselves! That's why I seldom tell people about my own relationship =S

Relationships are nuisances! No matter what type of relationship. It involve life-time hard works with no guarantee returns. But, we all indulge and get involved with it all the time, realising the possible harms it can done on us. Maybe it is because we thought we will be the lucky one; the one who can hit the jackpot of the relationship; that is to be the one who has found his or her true love. The chances is negligible, but it definitely worth a try, right?

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